30 de abril de 2013


Hace unos meses leí una entrevista a Rafafans sobre Lucas en peludos.wordpress.com, me dió mucha envidia y me autoentrevisté.  Os presento el resultado:

Who sleeps at your feet? 

Silvestrina, our fake Labrador (although we prefer to refer to her as toy Labrador). She only really pretends to sleep at out feet while we are awake, when she crawls under the bed covers and creeps up to the pillow space between our heads.

What made you choose that name? 

I’ve always been really into barroque names, “granny names”, and one day David was reading to me an excerpt from some essay on Mexican traditional medicine and the name suddenly popped up: Silvestrina. We liked it not only because we found it very appropriate for a (b/w)itch name, but because it is the synthesis of the name and surname of two beloved friends, Guillermina and (Adrián) Silvestre. 

Regardless of its radness, Silvestrina is quite an uncomfortable name for a dog, and thus we also call her Ñomi (pronounced gnomi, the Spanish equivalent to yummy yummy), a totally improvised pet name which sprouted from our taste for onomatopoeia (and Silvestrina’s gluttony as a puppy).  

When did you first meet her? 

The aunt of a friend of ours, Marigui, runs a dog refuge in Mexico City, and there was a time when, in order to help her aunt out, she would compulsively post dog photos on her Facebook wall. One day she posted a photo of a cute-but-ugly seal-like dog called Nutella. I found the photo of great distaste and made it my profile picture, and from then on Marigui hounded us until she succeeded in making us adopt the dog.  

What do you love about her? Any hidden talent? Superpower? Strange routine? 

We love the fact that she is a survivor. After adopting her I kept having nightmares with dogs the size of a coffee table destroying our scarce possessions, so we would walk her without a leash in the hopes she would scape or someone would kidnap her. However, she quickly learnt to stay close to us at all times and has followed us ever since. 

She is also extremely intelligent and has a quasi-simian control over her paws, to the extent we are sure someday soon she will be opening sardine cans for us. 

Finally, she is very flirtatious (her green eyes allow for it!), a great pretender and the most pally dog in the park.  

What do you love doing together? 

We love to conga dance in the kitchen. There is a lot of love in our home and she will not allow to be excluded. 

Silvestrina used to be really submissive and in order to get her off the floor we are teaching her to play hard. This is now one of our favorite activities: grabbing and shoving and biting each other, and going on hunting expeditions around the house and in the Chapultepec Wood.  

Do you want to dedicate Silvestrina a song? 

 She loves “El Oso Panda de Chapultepec”, by the 80s Mexican children superstar Yuri, and cry whenever we listen to “Angelitos Negros” from the homonymous film starring Pedro Infante.


9 de noviembre de 2012

The Applicant

This poem is written by one of the most psychotic, depressive maniacal feminists (male haters) ever to exist. The poem itself highlights her saddistic lifestyle and views on life. Whilst marriage itself is too often stereotyped and well misjudged, Plath makes it seem as though marriage is an inescapable nightmare. Society may only hope that mentally unstable and harmful individuals such as her cannot do not rummage through the streets. 


11 de mayo de 2012


no aguanto mi cabeza me la vivo con miedo.
el 14 de febrero ia sabran ke paso kon mi novio...
todo estaba mui bien nos metimos al jacuzzi pero estabamos
tan prendidos ke aun estando bajo el agua el introdujo su pene en
mi vagina sin kondosn pero solo fueron 2 movimientos.
he leido ke hai menos probabilidades de ke pueda okurrir un accidente. despues nos salimos del agua i seguimos kon lo nuestro pero kon kondon.
dias despues me entere ke una amiga estaba enbarazada i ke seguuuuuuuun eia se habia protegido i ke ni el kondon estaba roto i blah blah bla; muchas peronas dicen ke lo de eia no pudo ser asi.
despues io tuve un trauma kon su situacion por lo ke me empezaron a dar ciertos sintomas komo mareo i asko pero komo al dia 30 de mi periodo decidi hacerme una prueba; todos me decian ke era psikologiko poes la ansiedad produce eso, la prueba salio negativa i a los tres dias me bajo i misteriosamente los sintomas se fueron despues de haber relaizado la prueba, ahora faltan komo de 2 a 3 semanas para ke me vuelva a bajar i me empezo a dar dolor en le abdomen i dolor en los senos i flujo ( eso es de siempre) pero nunka me habia pasado eso a mitad de mi ciclo tuve un dolor mui fuerte en los senos ke hasta kreo ke se me notaban mas las venas.
desde akeia vez e tenido relaciones komo 4 veces pero son mui kortas i kon kondon, aparte le pido a mi novio ke se retire kuando se venga a pesar deke tiene kondon para io snetirme "trankila" .
pero estuve leiendo ke esos sintomas son por ovulacion. pero lo ke a mi me mata de nervios es ke se me notan mas venas en los senos i ia no se ke hacer ni ke pensar.
alguien me puede decir ke es lo ke pasa?

Detalles adicionales
acabo de cumplir 20 años, serán cambios mas la combinación de la mente?